What SOUND Does a Horse Make?

What Sound Does a Horse Make?

Have you ever wondered, “what sound does a horse make?” Horses can make different sounds depending on what they are trying to say. For example, they often snort, whinny, and neigh loudly as they run around the pasture with their friends. 

Horses also make other noises like stomping their feet or clapping their hooves.  All of these noises help them communicate with each other. They can also use these sounds to show they are happy, excited, or scared.

Black horse running

Why Do Horses Neigh?

Do you enjoy horseback riding? Have you ever wondered why do horses neigh? The neighing sound is a sharp, explosive breath out through the nose. 

You can hear the sound of a horse when it is excited or alert, such as when it sees something interesting or when it’s about to do something like running

The sound also warns other horses and sometimes even humans that danger is around. In some cases, stallions will neigh to show dominance over their herd. 

When your horse starts neighing more than usual, it could mean that they’re feeling anxious or stressed for some reason. Maybe there are too many people around them at once, or they’re not used to the new place they’re in. 

If this is the case, you can try to soothe your horse by talking calmly to them and petting them. You can also give them a treat or lead them to a quieter area where they can relax. If your horse’s neighing because they’re in pain, then you should take them to the vet for a check-up.

No matter why your horse is making this noise, it’s essential to be aware of what it could mean and how you can help make them feel better. Stay calm when dealing with horses – they’re brilliant animals and will pick up on your emotions!

Why do Horses Whinny?

One of the most common questions people ask is why do horses whinny. Horses whinny for many reasons, including communicating with other horses, showing excitement or pleasure, and getting attention.

Horses use their voices to communicate with each other in several ways. For example, they can whinny as a greeting, call out when they’re lost, or express frustration or anger. 

These sounds of horses also often signal that a horse is happy and content; you’ll often hear them do it when they’re being petted or groomed.

Some people mistakenly think that horses only whinny when they want something from someone else, but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, horses will simply whinny to let other horses or people know where they are.

They can also be trying to get attention from someone else, especially if they’re feeling lonely or bored. So it’s important not to ignore your horse when it whinnies at you; instead, give them some love and affection so that it doesn’t feel neglected.

Some horses may even try calling out by stomping their hooves on the ground. The horse sound neigh behavior is “stomping.” They do this to alert others around them that something has gone wrong (e.g., there is danger nearby). 

This will usually cause everyone within earshot of the noise source (including humans) to look up from what they were doing and respond accordingly: for example, by investigating the potential danger.

So, next time you hear your horse whinny, take a moment to see what it’s trying to tell you! It could be anything from “hello” to “watch out for that snake!”

A List of Horse Sounds and Their Meanings

Horses make a variety of sounds, each with its specific meaning. By interpreting these sounds, you can better understand your horse and build a stronger relationship with them. This post will go over the most common horse sounds and what they mean.


Ever wondered, “why do horses snort?” A snort is a sound your horse might make if it thinks there’s danger nearby. Of course, there are many reasons it could think there’s danger, including the presence of another predator or animal. 

If you see them doing this often, it means that it does not feel safe around you and doesn’t completely trust you yet, so it feels comfortable enough with its environment again.


Horses will sometimes make sounds that resemble human speech, but most experts in equine language and communication don’t consider them as  “true words.”

A few examples include “woa!” (an expression of surprise), “ahhh-ahhhh” (a greeting), or “ow ow ow ow!” (a call for help). However, you should note that not all horses vocalize like this; some are entirely silent.

A whinny is the most common horse sound and usually means that your horse is happy to see you. They might also do this when trying to get your attention or wants something from you. 

If your horse starts whining a lot, it could mean that it’s bored or lonely and needs more interaction with you.


A neigh is a high-pitched sound your horse may make when it’s excited or agitated. Horses say neigh because they might be trying to alert other horses of danger nearby, such as predators like lions and tigers who are on the prowl for food. They try to communicate with other horses in their herd. 

Horses neigh to convey emotion and alert others about what’s happening (such as danger). They may also do this when they want attention from stallions or other females calling out to one another during mating season.

Horses also neigh as an expression of anger or frustration. For example, suppose a horse feels threatened, upset, or irritated. They may neigh to scare off the other animals or express their displeasure.


A snicker is a low-pitched sound your horse will use when it wants something, such as an apple or carrot. It also does it in play, and you can hear it often during races or competitions with other horses where they jump over hurdles while moving at high speeds.

Horses might also snicker for other reasons too, however. For example, if something startles them suddenly, they might give an involuntary snicker in response. Or, if they’re feeling sick or uncomfortable, they might make this sound as a way of letting their handlers know. 

So if you notice your horse snickering, take a moment to see what might be causing it. But most of the time, it’s just a sign that they’re happy and content.


A whicker is another low-pitched sound that horses use when they want something from you, such as food. It can also mean it’s happy to see you because it’s an expression of joy and excitement at being reunited after a long day apart!

In addition, horses sometimes whicker when they’re feeling happy or excited. This might happen when they see their owner after being away for a while or when they hear something that excites them (such as the sound of another horse).

Horses can also whicker to signal a lack of confidence. This is often the case with younger horses who are still getting used to their environment and people around them; they may give nervous whickers if they feel unsure about something.


What does the horse say when it trumpets? A trumpeting sound means that the horse is ready to fight another horse. You can also hear this voice when they’re playing together or just enjoying themselves in general, so don’t worry if you hear this one!


A hissing sound is usually a sign of aggression and means that your horse is ready to attack. Horses hiss when feeling scared or threatened. 

If there is something that scares them, like a loud noise or an animal they don’t know, they might start to hiss as a way of trying to scare the thing away.

Another reason horses might hiss is as if they’re angry. If another horse gets too close when they’re not supposed to, for example, the horse might start to make a hissing sound as a warning. 

If you hear this, it’s best to back away slowly and give them some space until it calms down again. But, finally, sometimes horses will just do it out of habit – even if there’s no real reason for it!


A purring sound is typical when a horse is content and means it’s happy. You’ll often hear this after good grooming or massage! Some horses purr audibly, and others might make a soft noise that you can’t hear unless you put your ear against their body.

If your horse makes an audible sound while it eats or grazes, it could signify contentment or happiness with its situation and environment. 

It could also be trying to soothe themself if something is bothering them emotionally by producing this low-frequency vibration through their throat muscles as they relax during inhalation (or exhalation). 


A roaring sound is usually a sign of pain or anger and should get taken seriously. If you hear your horse making this noise, try to find out what’s wrong and see if you can help them calm down.


The snarling sounds of horses mean that they are angry with someone or something and should get taken seriously. If you hear this, it’s best to back away slowly and give them some space until they calm down again.


A blowing sound is usually a sign of fatigue and means your horse needs to rest. If you hear this, it’s best to stop what you’re doing and take them to a quiet place where they can relax.


A groaning sound is usually a sign of pain and means your horse needs help. If you hear this, it’s best to stop what you’re doing and take them to a quiet place where they can relax.


A yawning sound means that your horse is bored and needs more interaction with people or other animals around them for simulation purposes (such as giving treats). 

You can hear this during races where there isn’t much going on except running laps back-and-forth across an oval track while trying not to get caught up.


A mother horse produces a horse nickering when she wants her foal nearby. Nickering is also common in races where there isn’t much going on at all except running laps back-and-forth across an oval track while trying not to get caught up.


A hovering sound means that your horse is hungry and needs food or water immediately! You should take this seriously. Ensure you feed them right away if possible (or take them out of the paddock).


A snuffling sound means that your horse is bored and needs more interaction with people or other animals around them for simulation purposes.

Understanding what your horse is trying to say through their sounds can go a long way in building a better relationship with them. 

By knowing the meanings of each one, you’ll be able to respond appropriately and help make sure it’s always happy and comfortable!

Horse running on snow

Why do Horses Snort?

Have you ever wondered why do horses snort? Snorting is a way for horses to get rid of any dust, dirt, or debris that may have accumulated into their nasal passages. Below are several reasons why horses snort.

To Clear Out Nasal Passages

When a horse snorts, it clears out its nasal passages. By doing this, the horse can better breathe and smell. This is especially important when the horse is working hard or in a dusty environment.

​​​​​ ​​​The air that we breathe contains all sorts of particles, including dust, dirt, and debris. When these particles get into our noses, they can cause us to sneeze or cough.

Horses have specially-adapted noses designed to help them clear out these particles quickly. In addition, by snorting regularly, horses can keep their nasal passages clean and free from infection.

To Communicate with Other Horses

Horses do not use language as humans do. Instead, they communicate using body language. Snorting is one of the ways that horses communicate with each other and their owners.

Snorting can signal to another horse that it should move out of the way or stop doing something dangerous. In addition, snorting lets other horses know if a threat is in the area.

For example, when two horses are in a pasture together, and one sees a hawk flying overhead, it will most likely start snorting loudly as soon as possible so that its companion knows there’s danger nearby.

The faster this happens before an attack occurs (or just after), the animals have more time to escape safely without being hurt by predators.

To Show Emotion

Horses snort when they’re scared, excited, or even happy. So, for example, if you see your horse snorting while playing with its toy ball, this means that it is having fun and enjoying itself.

Horses may also snort in situations where other animals are nearby because of how nervous these sounds make them feel about themselves.

To Show Discomfort

If a horse snorts when you are riding it, this could indicate that something is wrong. Perhaps they feel sick and need to rest, or the saddle isn’t fitting well enough for comfort during long rides?

When horses start snorting while being ridden – especially if there’s lots of noise coming out of their nose as if they’re trying hard not to sneeze. Then it may mean they have allergies that cause discomfort in certain situations, like riding on hot days with pollen around them all day long.

To Show Fear

If your horse starts snorting at a particular object or person, this could indicate that it is afraid of something. Horses are very sensitive animals and often react to their surroundings by snorting when they sense danger nearby. 

You may hear them make these sounds while galloping through an open field – if there’s nothing around but grass, then there probably isn’t anything scary happening in the environment right now.

But don’t take any chances; get off your ride immediately so it can run away without being chased after by predators such as bears or wolves, which might appear suddenly from behind bushes out of nowhere!

Horse snorting

What Does the Horse Say?

Horses make different sounds for different reasons. For example, they snort, neigh, whinny, and even hiss, among other sounds. By understanding why they produce these sounds, you can better understand your horse and communicate with it better. 

If you’re ever in doubt about why your horse is making a noise, always consult with an expert!